Benefits of Preschool for Parents and Children

When you finally are able to consider preschool for your precious babies it can be an overwhelming experience. Both happy and sad, exciting and scary, it’s important to remember that even when separation is challenging, that preschool is an opportunity for growth. On an individual spectrum we all crave both connection and autonomy, predictability and novelty, and preschool allows both of these to happen safely. Kids grow so quickly, it’s important to create a safe place for healthy learning and guided self expression. They explore what it’s like to go play with other kids in new environments, without their parent who they have identified themselves with. As parents, your priority is always your child. Getting some time to focus on yourself, run errands, and whatever else you may need to do, you can now have. It doesn’t take away anything from your connection, rather it can help deepen it.

Here are Some Main Benefits of Preschool

  • It strengthens social and emotional development.

Being exposed to other children and teachers who all have different personalities and structure will allow your little to grow socially and emotionally. They are building other relationships through experiences in a safe environment where the teachers oversee and can secure the safety. They learn to play together, share, to watch and observe, while also learning through activities.

  • It is a structured atmosphere.

They have consistency in eating, playing, learning, and this routine is vital for healthy progressions. It also gives them something to look forward to. It might not be direct, strict structure, but the consistency between home and school gives room for both places to have easier times. For instance, nap times. Sometimes our children nap for us the best, but other times they nap for others better. Having nap time at the same time regardless of where the child is at, helps keep that something that feels good and that both the child, parent, and teacher benefit from.

  • They get some freedom and learn autonomy.

With several activities to choose from at preschool, the likelihood of your child finding something they really like is high. There are no expectations for your child to be anyone but who they are and the teachers wants nothing more to encourage and be supportive. Whether it be playing on the playground, coloring, reading, or playing with other kids, your child gets to do that safely, and without pressure. This allows them to partake in what interests them, and that will give them a better sense of themselves.

  • Children learn really well from other children. It increases more than social and emotional, but also cognitive and even speech.

As teachers, preschool is a place where they get to focus specifically on certain activities that help aid the development in skills for children. As children, without the direct focus on them, they can shyly work their way, or directly into engaging in the activities that increase language, motor skills, cognitive skills, as well as many more. Watching and observing other children can be a great inspiration and motivation. We don’t always know what is going to spark the interest, but preschool allows so much room for many different things and other children to bring that out.

For parents it can be tough to let go and drop your child off at school. When you research and find the right preschool there are also many benefits for you. The teachers will give you updates and are there to help you. It’s good for you to allow your child some time away and that it is not a bad thing. You get to go to work, relax at home, get some home things done that may otherwise be difficult, and also you can nurture other relationships. Transitioning from no children to children, you find you may sacrifice a lot and lose your own sense of you. You get to have your own identity, while your child starts to learn theirs, and the quality time you have together will be more meaningful. You share who you are more thoroughly.